Image One

The subject of my "map" is going to be about Life; The consequence of life ending and the celebration of living it.  It's going to be a pretty difficult topic since in this case people are not going to be considered, instead nature will replace the human subject.  I know I'll encounter a difficult time but somehow I'll find a way to get through it...I always do!

And I'm in the process of finding out which method of image transferring I'm going to use.  I'm thinking the simplest and less expensive way is going to be!  Though I'm thinking further into creating a collage with the images...maybe a good aesthetic or it'll make the project too busy, who knows!

On all my "pages" there's going to be subtexts that show the Hour, Day, and Month.  This atributes to a random event in my life.

As stated before these pages will have the timeline of life, and for this one I'm picking a further time of my life...maybe the real grown up side!

I'm considering if this should be the end or before the disease...I'm thinking of making this part; The Finding Out.

I might have to rearrange Image Four and Five but it all depends what I'm going to do with the titles.

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